# -*- text -*- # # Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # [eager_limit_too_small] The "eager limit" MCA parameter in the %s BTL was set to a value which is too low for Open MPI to function properly. Please re-run your job with a higher eager limit value for this BTL; the exact MCA parameter name and its corresponding minimum value is shown below. Local host: %s BTL name: %s BTL eager limit value: %d (set via btl_%s_eager_limit) BTL eager limit minimum: %d MCA parameter name: btl_%s_eager_limit # [cuda_eager_limit_too_small] The "CUDA eager limit" MCA parameter in the %s BTL was set to a value which is too low for Open MPI to function properly. Please re-run your job with a higher CUDA eager limit value for this BTL; the exact MCA parameter name and its corresponding minimum value is shown below. Local host: %s BTL name: %s BTL CUDA eager limit value: %d (set via btl_%s_cuda_eager_limit) BTL CUDA eager limit minimum: %d MCA parameter name: btl_%s_cuda_eager_limit # [cuda_rdma_limit_too_small] The "CUDA rdma limit" MCA parameter in the %s BTL was set to a value which is too low for Open MPI to function properly. Please re-run your job with a higher CUDA rdma limit value for this BTL; the exact MCA parameter name and its corresponding minimum value is shown below. Local host: %s BTL name: %s BTL CUDA rndv limit value: %d (set via btl_%s_cuda_rdma_limit) BTL CUDA rndv limit minimum: %d MCA parameter name: btl_%s_cuda_rdma_limit